Mueller By-Pass Meter Bars

Mueller By-Pass Meter Bars

The Mueller® By-Pass Meter Bar allows you to easily replace an old meter while continuing gas flow to a residence or business. The innovative design bridges the gap between service piping and in-house piping to provide a stable support structure for gas meters while redirecting the gas flow through a by-pass mechanism using a single actuation operation from the center of the meter bar.

This design allows for simple operating procedures saving cost, time, and other valuable resources. The By-Pass Meter Bar is designed for use on natural gas services delivering up to 5 psi (34 kPa) delivery pressure.

  • FIP Direct Side Inlet
  • Wedgeseal Insulated Union FIP Side Outlet with O-Ring †
  • 5 PSIG
† Tailpiece of the Wedgeseal insulated union is brass.

Brochure  Catalog  Operating Instructions